© BAYER 1997


Ben Bayer

Adelaide, Australia


Abstract.   The paper endorses the view that everything is linked within a comprehensive coherent Whole which is both boundless and finite. The Matrix, a conceptual framework which integrates the four elements feel/think/act/time into a single Holistic landscape of values and entities, allows uninhibited all time compliance with this view. The universes of science, art, philosophy, linguistics, once expressed in words, are all capable of graphical accommodation within the framework.
The word/meaning nexus is captured in the Matrix expressions, usually in numerical form with radicals and fractals. The emerging lexicon of key words supports meaningful coherent relationships in the Matrix landscape both in focus and perspective. Single and polar words are highlighted. Boxes are rejected and paradigms strongly promoted. The faceted format for articulating definitions provides a valuable series/parallel continuum which helps comprehension and stimulates comprehensive development.
Values and relationships are of core importance to the mental processes and the more external borders are thinned out, in the move towards a global learning society, the more critical becomes a proper grasp of relationships. A tensorial integration formula is postulated to provide a linkage between three basic parameters: Quality, Entity and Quantity. The sensitive concept of Equivalence, as distinct from equality, is discussed and forms a prime element in converting familiar non-linear relationships into the orthogonal linearity of the Matrix. Critical versus creative thinking is examined and the context extended to include logic (25.0), reason (75.0), rationality (55.0), legitimacy (77.58), morality (97.58) and metricity (99.55).
Optimisation (59.96), as opposed to maximisation, is seen as providing the fairest and most effective base for revitalisation and moving past conflict resolution towards new levels of proactive harmonious prosperity.


1. Introduction

2. The Framework

3. Classifications

4. Definitions

5. Language

6. Relationships

7. Displays

8. Conclusion

9. References


Graphical representation of the Matrix